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Elephantos Reviews with

Order status

Once an order is created this order will gets an “order status”.

You can find the order status into the account history of your order or into the confirmation emails we send after an order is created or when an order status is been changed.


Explanation off the available order status:


Status new orders:

Credit card paid: any new automatic approved credit card orders.

New order: Not yet paid new orders like

Credit Card needs manual authorisation: Every credit card transaction will be screened and receives a fraud score.
  May the fraud score be to high, the transaction will not pass  the automatic approval. 
  In this case the orders status will be “Credit Card needs manual authorisation”.
  We will ask you by email to show us a copy of I.D and Credit card.


Any next status:

Processing: your order will be shipped today or next business day.

Shipped: your order is shipped today.

Not send: your order is not send.
You can find the reason into the confirmation email.

we have refunded your payment. 
You can find the reason into the confirmation email.

On-hold: your new order is noticed.
We are waiting for your payment before we ship your order.

Reship order: your order will be reshipped.

Reshipped: your order is reshipped today

Ready to ship: your order shall be shipped today or any next business day.

Temp: one or more headshop items are temporary not on stock.
You can find the expecting shipping date into the confirmation email.

Received back: we have received your shipped order back.
You can find out the reason into the confirmation email.
You also can expect a email about what we going to do with your order.

Credit card chargeback: you have placed a credit card charge back.

